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Ight, so this is how it goes, I feel like NYC is getting the best of me, I look around and I see my hustle, see my grind, and then I look and ask why am I not there yet?…. Now that I have been attending church faithful I’m starting to get the answers I need. My time is coming soon, and I have a direction to follow…so I keep my head up, and make sure others around me do the same. But now is my time to reflect on life, so I’m in hibernation…. I’m falling back from a lot, jus to make sure I’m taking the right steps without any distractions, taking a few flights here and there jus to get my mind right. I have a love/hate relationship with NYC, but I can’t let it go jus yet. But I will come out and do it big soon, when the time is right, now I jus need to chill and drink my green tea and honey, and eat my cooked meals, not to much take-out, and work out. And maybe a few tats?…lol just a few, but when I look around and see my other brothers and sisters hustling the same, it makes me feel good, but I’m staying in hibernation for a few months…I put the 2 week notice in at plantation and now I’m just gonna get money how I get it…… Grinding. I will see yall soon, like really soon, I may peak out from time to time, but for now,  I just have to chill and iron some shit out! Take a step back to come back stronger. Feel me…

“If u have one idea, then u don’t have one at all”



After 23 years on this planet and I will never be truly prepared for these, but I have to accept them as facts of life. Pain & Growth. For so long I ignored the two as if they never coincided, then after suffering through a series of tragic losses I realized the two go hand-in-hand. Of course you can have growth without pain, but pain is this enigma that sparks growth. Death, separation, trauma, banishment, denial and sometimes love are all painful, in time you move on (hopefully working through it all) during recollection you look back at the time before you experienced the pain and BAM…growth. You are not the same person before and never will you be at that point again, so I guess a supplement to Pain & Growth should be Happiness. And for sure I’m una muchacha feliz!

I wish I could reference words of endearment from an elder, or a kind word from a parent that resonate so deeply that I could tell you off hand, but ask me about a painful situation and I can list what happened, why, and how I ultimately triumphed. My most obvious and contemporary experience with pain and growth? A sister shaved her head (because I relaxed it and it was beginning to fall out…Ouch) and now I am watching it grow back, this has become one of the most beautiful moments in my life, it’s simple and understated yet so profound.

In life we all experience pain though we all process it differently, however growth is inevitable. Peace.


Jeanette Toomer



I try to stay within realism guidelines but if I had my own way, It would be summer all year around. I’m going to make that happen. Even if I have to sell coco on the beach. Even if I have wear the same bathing suit everyday and a sundress. The rain isn’t cute. It’s December and I find myself more and more on some coast, catching my own fish and singing for free. Don’t tempt me.



Sun Tzu once said: Know yourself, and you’ll win all battles. The battle against yourself. The battle against others. Most importantly, the battle against insignificance.

Self-awareness does not result from an epiphany but a constant self-confrontation; a constant questioning of who you really are. So, Identity is not as constant most people think. Some think identity is a set of ideals that we represent, rather, i feel it is a set of responsibilities we must undertake. We are what we do.

But we must remember that our identity need not be singular. Who we are is an amalgamation of different identities (brother, son, student, writer). People only fail if they do not acknowledge their other identities and focus on the one thing they feel comfortable being. You must be able to accept new identities, leave your comfort zone and have the strength to release those identities that are no longer applicable.

The concept of identity and the realization of who you are transcends wealth, health, and happiness. In this world where mortality and deteroration of our physical is a given condition, we need to strive to create a symbolic self to carry on.

Don’t limit your symbolic self by being one thing. Create, build, and cultivate your identity just like a garden. Then transcend cultural and societal expectations and just BE.

Word for the Wise,
Johnny Virtue



My father used to tell me as a kid, that with all a man can possibly loose in his lifetime, its almost an obligation for a man to keep the dearest things close to him. I was with my ex- girlfriend for what was almost a decade. We were the best of friends, lovers, and fighters. I was her teacher, her leader, her o.g., her crutch, her shoulder, her rock, and her support blanket. I was always raised to be a very strong male and she respected that. Not like a over dominant guy or anything like that. Them dudes are crazy. But rather I was her go to guy and I liked having that kind of respect. I understand now that she allowed me the space to indulge in my strengths and she respected my opinion to the “ump tenth” degree. But this is in my reflections “after” the fact. People tend to not recognize what their jobs in relationships are until its over. They say that you never really know how good you actually had it until your ride in “La La Land” is over. Dreams often turn to nightmares, loves become lost, lies become exposed truths and predispositions become active. So instead of writing a a long list of “whys” and “why nots”, lets set the scene for you guys.

November 10, 2007, I wake up with my woman with my daily routine in mind. I believe it was a Saturday, or a day when we didn’t do much, or played “hookie”, because it felt like a Saturday. I would always wake up before her and smell her hair, touch her body real quick, get up, fix the crib up, do some push ups, and take a shower. (I’m a scatter brained individual by the way so my stories are like a Quinton Terrantino Film. where my thoughts and stories can go all over the place, so try to keep up) I was already in my “take care of my woman mode”, because I felt like I was slacking as a Boyfriend, so I stepped my game up. Things I thought my pride wasn’t capable of letting me do, I was doing. I decided that it was time to stop playing, stop fronting, and stop holding onto this heart that I was saving for something real, because I was already in something very real. She loooooovvveeeess strawberries by the way!!!.I mean, if this woman could eat strawberries all day she would. She also has some what of a sweet tooth and indulges in Pancakes from time to time. I decided to make strawberry pancakes for her with all the amenities. Western Omelet, turkey bacon, juice and all that good stuff, topped with my famous Pancakes made for a satisfying breakfast. My pops used to always tell me that life is all about the presentation and how you showcase your talents. I’m an excellent cook by the way! I set up the plate which was reminiscent of Emeril Lagasi. I mean shit was looking good the way I set it up. She was still in bed engulfed in the great smells of Prints Breakfast specials. This was nothing new in our relationship either. She lived for my cooking. But it was a treat because we were at such a bad place already; having this breakfast was such a relief from fighting, throwing the plates, pictures, televisions, mop heads, and whatever else people fight with. As I’m putting the finishing touches on the Presentation, which I was ever so excited about… Whats funny is at that very point in my life, I was content with my decisions I’ve made. People make mistakes and people make choices that result in a bruised relationship and I made a choice that I will live with for life, but at the same time I amended myself of a not so understandable choice from a woman’s perspective, by proving to my ex that I was indeed a good man. Anyways, I knew she was in a sort of “shitty” mood, by the way she was acting; so distant so quite, so distracted. She wasn’t angry, although she wasn’t very pleased either. Of course I know her, so I asked her many a time what the problem was but she never said anything. She kept saying that she was tired. Men blind themselves to change subconsciously to shield themselves from the Truth. So, I am now finished breakfast and its time to eat. As I bring the plate, which is decorated so nice,(I really did put a lot of love in the food that morning), she takes it and says, what I feel is the most cliche phrase a female can say, which is “I think we need to talk”. Stop saying this women!! Sheesh. We men, automatically go on the defensive as soon as you utter those words. I know some bullshit is about to go down already. She says in a very calm, collect, low voice, “I don’t want to do this anymore.” I say sarcastically. “What do you mean? You don’t want pancakes or something?” She says, ” No I want the pancakes, but I don’t think me and you should be together anymore. I just can’t give you want you want, and I feel that we’ve grown in two different places, Your heavy in this music and I feel like I can’t compete with your lifestyle.” Of course in my head, being the dude that I am, I immediately thought, “This is some bullshit.” But what I didn’t know was that this wasn’t a topic up for conversation. She had already made up her mind, and from what the tons of women I spoke to, they all say that she made up her mind about this long time before she brung it to my attention. So she gets up and walks out, and as she walks out she literally walks out of my life. But whats funny is that we live right next door to each other. How awkward is that. Well its been 2 years now and I feel a little silly..well not for writing about it, but rather not being successful with finding a jewel like that again. Finding that connection with another female has posed very difficult as of lately. Since we’ve been apart I have interacted with a lot of girls, and I feel that what I’m looking for doesn’t exist, or if it does, they are already tainted, and honestly have to many hang ups for my taste. So ladies, gents Lock down your true love, because “once a good things gone bad, its gone forever and I’ll mourn forever, man I gotta live with the fact I did you wrong forever.”

Print of Good Day Good Night



When you have a life long dream it always seems so perfect in your mind – so effortless and polished, but when the dream is over and reality sets in you realize there is a lot of work involved in becoming what you wanted since birth. Throughout history drive has always beaten out talent, talent will only get you but so far, and once you get to a place you’ve been seeing over and over again – what will take you over the perpetual “hump?” That’s what I’m dealing with now, I’m at that place where I desire so much more and I know I am going to get it but how?

Watching the artists that have come out before me has given me a slight advantage that I would be stupid not to capitalize on. It’s like ok I can use that tactic he used with my own twist to it, ok I won’t do that because that really didn’t work for him and so forth.

It’s just a matter of executing in a timely manner and applying it to fit you and your brand. I have been blessed with a team that for one believes I’m the biggest artist in the universe and more than anything a team that thrives off pressure and being told “you can’t”. They said we couldn’t JUST GET on radio, we had a joint added! They said we couldn’t get JUST GET on network television, we filmed with numerous channels numerous times!!! All while staying humble and appreciating the people that have given us the opportunities. Everybody from the bloggers that post the music to the people that download it. To be honest the “hump” doesn’t seem to hard to get over I just hope the talent doesn’t get over looked in the process.

Harlem’s Cash im “On My Way To HARLEMwood”



As I’m writing this I’m thinking “How much do I want people to know?”

It’s a bad habit. When it comes to showing how much of what I’m thinking do I want broadcasted. I’m not good at it. I’m more of a “idea” guy. I keep all my thoughts to myself, and then come up with the perfect strategy. I don’t like to talk. I’m not a talker, that’s what my partner YG is for. My heart is possibly bigger then it should be, and people think because of that, I can be beat or I’m weak, but no. I’m smarter then that. I actually like when people roll against me, because eventually…I will win. Man that sounds cocky, don’t take that the wrong way, because I’m as humble as they come, but I know what I’m capable of. Excuse my nerdy-ness for a sec but if I was to give an example of who I would be if I was a super hero I would be Cable. Cable is the most lowkey X-Men character ever. But through out the comics they say he’s the most powerful mutant. That’s me. The lowkey dude, that in the end is gonna surprise everyone, who doubted him. Bet on that.

…I think I wrote this whole thing, and still didn’t let anybody know anything. 09′ here we go!

Look out for H.O.P.E.!



I’m running on E. Physically exhausted walking down Pennslyvania Ave swaying enough to avoid the bird calls and wondering what the hell am I going to write about. How many seven letter word scores can I capsulize into this Joyce-like stream of consciousness. Word game up, wit on, I want to be deep baby. D-e-e-p, so deep I make you snap your fingers in praise on some boho shit. (go ahead light the incense). I want to talk about how different, individual, anomaly, unique, the protoplast that I am. Use this entry to toot my own horn and massage my own ego. Love me.
Ok cut the bullshit.

Really I’m thinking about were 2008 went. Not that it went by fast. It was a steady year full of evolution and maturation. Making moves and making mistakes. I was thinking that this year when I send out my annual sentimental summation of the year gone by… I won’t just send it to those who are in my good graces. It’ll be going out to all and one who touched me this year. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beauty in distortion. The loves lost and the loves gained. No matter the positive or negative impact – all whose impact has been towards my betterment. Those that made me laugh, cry, content, angry as hell, feel beautiful, smile, frown – whatever the affect; it all in the years end made me grow. Sometimes growing up sucks, a true story indeed, but stagnation is even worst. With every impact, every encounter I’ve been forced out of my inertia and home grown out of concrete into a better woman.
I live with no regrets. I learn to appreciate the sting of my mistakes. And evolve. Envisioning the future in a blade of grass, I don’t dwell in yesteryear. I look foward to tomorrow. So to all my lovers and my haters. Thank you. I just realized how much I appreciate you all. Warm red velvet cupcakes await 🙂

Jasi B



today dec 9th. im sitting here in my make shift office editing my new video. ” streets is talking” and its going good.. im looking at some stuff i filmed of a dude smoking crack while i skated at this spot in LA.and listening to some songs to put over this part of the video…but what was on my mind the whole time was this fucking asshole who cut me off in traffic earlier in the day.. i hated him… i wish i could have filmed me showing him my middle finger and some words i wrote on a piece of paper while i sat behind him at the red light that read “your driving sucks” and another that just read ” TERROR”. if youve been in my car you know how it gets – but now its back to editing.. well there you have it what was on my mind .. today dec 9th 2008

Ian Reid



I’m sitting in class right now, my anthro of gender class, watching a movie. But as I sit here and take notes my mind is racing. I need to squeeze in a phone call between now and my next meeting, emails that have to be sent, and meetings that have to be prepped for. They say I am so focused. They say “Oh I wish I could be as focused and ambitious as you when I was young.” But how can I be focused when my mind is racing? There’s so much I want to do leading to the same big picture but there’s so many ways to do it. So many ways to get there. Right now, I feel like everything is ‘coming soon’ and I hate waiting. But through it all I somehow remain this icon of inspiration for my peers and anyone else who comes across my story, my myspace, my website or my blog. I’ve been in the game, diligently on the path of my career since I was 16. Now 3 years later more people know me, I’ve done a lot but still it feels like not enough. Something is missing. Something to make it all come together. It’s said luck is when opportunity meets preparation. I’ve been preparing my whole life, I have had countless opportunities but IT, whatever IT is still hasn’t happened yet.

So yes. I am focused but my mind still races.

It’s hard to go against the main stream. I notice how different I am when I am away at school. Sometimes my school is dubbed a “corporate breeding ground” most of the kids out here are just complacent. They want people to tell them what to do, to work for someone else, and just be “normal”. So many people are just floating along but I am swimming against the current. I’m always working, planning, and executing. But then I get side tracked by the main stream sometimes, especially being away at school. Being away from the city and the people that inspire me.

It’s hard going against the main stream, but it’s even harder for me to not work towards something or to not be proactive.

They say its lonely at the top. But it’s also lonely on the way to the top when you are surrounded by people who don’t understand you.

I haven’t read every wordsfrom on here but the one’s I read have definitely touched a chord especially with the emerging theme of doubt and uncertainty. Most of us who wrote something on here are swimming against the current and it’s easy to question your direction when everyone else is going the other way. We don’t know if all this (what ever THIS is) will pay off. Doubt is everyone’s worst enemy.

This past year I learned not to doubt, it doesn’t help you or anyone else. Its easy to see the glass as half empty. Its hard to see what’s not there. In fact people who see things that aren’t there are typically labeled as crazy. Its actually more difficult to see the fullness within something that seems empty. The term make something out of nothing sounds nice, but how many people can really do that? How many can literally make people see something within nothingness?

Some pretty random, and unexplainable things have happened to me throughout my life and I always wonder why. I believe in self-fulfilling prophecies. If you want to be something and have that in your head things will come to you, and certain people will come to you to make that a reality. When you see it, it gives other people permission to see it.

So when people ask where I see myself at the peak of my career I have a distinct image. Clear as day. But the path to getting there isn’t always so clear. I go through my highs and lows just as an other overly ambitious person can attest to. But somehow there’s always that little something that comes along to say keep going. If you’re putting yourself out there and trying to build something you might just know what I am talking about. So, just keep swimming, against the current, against the mainstream. Never float.
